A List Group About Spiritual Surrender
About Surrendering One's Life, Heart and Mind to Holy Spirit and Supreme Heart

A Note About an Email List Group Devoted to
the Topic of Spiritual Surrender

In mid-August 2007, I was guided by Holy Spirit to create this website about spiritual surrender and also to start a list group at Yahoo Groups for persons who are sincerely engaged in the process of surrender to Holy Spirit and Supreme Heart. Due to the drastic downscaling of Yahoo Groups in October, 2019, the group is now part of the Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Surrender & Spiritual Healers (VP) group hosted at groups.io. Here is some more information on the list group:

This list group is a continuation of the Spiritual Surrender, Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Healers and Release Technique (Lester Levenson's work) legacy list groups at Yahoo Groups that were operated by Vinny Pinto for 15+ years until the October 2019 down-scaling of Yahoo Groups. Vinny is a mystic, spiritual teacher/guide, spiritual healer, and a multi-disciplinary consulting and R&D scientist/engineer.

The primary focus of this list group is the attainment of spiritual enlightenment and concomitantly, attaining greater levels of inner peace and grace, often via surrender to the Divine of all problems, challenges, wants and needs. Much of the focus of the group is based upon spiritual methods and teachings of Ramana Maharshi (who has sometimes been classified by others as an Advaita Vedanta teacher), an Indian spiritual teacher, and Lester Levenson, an American spiritual teacher and the developer of the "release technique". The focus of this list group is non-denominational.

While the name and description of this list group are publicly listed at Groups.io and on search engines, all posts sent to the list group are private and are viewable by list group members only. This is a moderated list group. Further, all applicants wishing to join the list group must state their reasons for wishing to join along with their name and general location, and all posts sent to the list group must be signed with the poster's first and last name in order to be published. We do not tolerate hate posts, and we do not tolerate trolls, nor troll posts.

How to Join
To visit the home page of the Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Surrender & Spiritual Healers (VP) list group -- where you may join the group by clicking on  "Join" --  go to:

Alternatively, to join the list group via email, send an email to

Have fun!

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